Social media: A hierarchy of feeds

Some people think social media isn’t for them, but it could be (and in fact I make the case it should be in “Social Media: Why get on it?). Social media has proven its worth in personally connecting with people, and in extending business opportunities. Consistent social media engagement isn’t that difficult, really…if you have a plan.

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In 1943, psychologist Abraham Maslow introduced his hierarchy of needs in a paper titled, A Theory of Human Motivation.His theories are most often represented by a pyramid divided into five horizontal sections, each representing an area of human development. Continue Reading

3 tips to keep your LinkedIn request from being ignored

Repeat after me: “LinkedIn is not Facebook for professionals.” Unfortunately, too many people transfer their friend-collecting Facebook mentality to connecting through LinkedIn and it is, well…annoying.


In fact, the approach is so annoying I now won’t accept an invitation to connect unless I already know the person sending the invite. Yes, you could say the unprofessional attempt to professionally connect has become a pet peeve of mine; kind of like when a car salesman liberally uses my first name as if we’ve been buddies since high school. It is unprofessional and makes me uncomfortable. Only thing worse is being called  “Honey,” and “Sugar,” by the lady who used to cut my hair. Continue Reading